by H. Bishop Holliman 2011
Off the Beach!
We resume our story told by Bishop Holliman as the Daly-Hollimans huddled, crowded, in their automobiles attempting to ride out the gathering storm of 1936 in Panama City, Florida.
We resume our story told by Bishop Holliman as the Daly-Hollimans huddled, crowded, in their automobiles attempting to ride out the gathering storm of 1936 in Panama City, Florida.
In the photograph taken on another date, Robert W. Daly, Sr., leader of the Daly-Holliman vacations to Florida in the 1930s, walks the beach with his only daughter, Mary Daly Herrin. They look smartly dressed for beach-combing!

"Immediately, there was a tap on the car window and a man in uniform told us to leave the beach area at once, to drive inland, that the hurricane was ready to strike in full force, that we had to leave now! He spoke with great authority so we did not meander. Robert turned the car around and we headed out, lining up behind Daddy's car (Ulyss Holliman) and Melton's (Holliman), and away we all went!! 
We headed inland as the man told us to do.

Ida Holliman, Melton Holliman's wife, perches on the Chevrolet coupe that drove part of the family off the beach in 1936.
Mama (Pearl Caine Holliman), Daddy, Ralph (Holliman, the younger brother), and Hoyt and Vivian Bryant were in Daddy's car, a 1933 four door Chevrolet with Holyt driving and leading the way. Right behind them drove Melton in a Chevrolet coupe, with Ida and Earl, and then came Robert, Vena (Holliman Daly), Mary, Virginia (Holliman Cornelius) and me, going we knew not where!
Just a few miles down the beach high way Daddy's car came to a complete stop! I guess all the excitement had caused it to flood out, as we say. Any way, it would not go any farther. What to do on a dark and stormy night, marooned on the side of the Gulf, trying to reach higher, safer and dryer ground? We did the only thing we could do. All those in Daddy's car piled into Robert's car with our party. That meant six adults, two teen-agers and a five year old. And off we went, leaving Daddy's car by itself, there next to the Gulf, at the mercy of the wind, the rain and ocean waves."
The 1933 Chevrolet of Ulyss Holliman stalled in the storm. Below is an advertisement for a two door version. Note the price and that the models are formally dressed, somewhat as were Robert and Mary Daly in the above photograph!
Next the road house of the refugees!
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