Monday, February 28, 2011

Ulyss and Pearl Caine Holliman and their Descendants

by Glenn N. Holliman

1912 or 1914?  Is the Baby Euhal or Loudelle?

The 1910 U.S. Census lists Ulyss and Pearl Holliman living in Precinct 1 in Fayette, Alabama.  Granted the numbers might be somewhat inaccurate with Ulyss listed as age 26 (b 1884 which is correct), but  Pearl as 21 on April 15, 1910, which would make her born in 1889  Traditionally the family lists her birthday as February 1887.

What is the age of the below photograph and who is the baby?  On the left is Vena Holliman Daly and on the right is Melton Holliman.  The third child born was Euhal Holliman in 1912 when Melton was four and Vena 2 1/2 years of age.  Melton appears about 5 or 6 in this photo and Vena could be 3 or 4, making this picture of a one-year old Euhal in his stroller.  Loudelle would be born in 1914, and conceivably this could be her as a baby, but why would not Euhal be included?  Perhaps there is a missing photo.  Can any family member definitely identify whether this be Euhal or Loudelle Holliman Ferrell?

Having a picture taken was still a formal and expensive process in 1912.  Melton is dressed in a quasi-feminine outfit typical of the formal attire of young boys of that day.  Vena is also wearing leggings and a very fancy dress.  The 1910 Census does not list a trade or profession for Ulyss.  One can surmise this photograph was an financial extravagance for a growing, young family for whom the breadwinner was probably a mill worker in the local lumber yard.  Employment opportunities in Fayette were limited at the time, and Ulyss was not a farmer.  As his family grew, so did expenses.

When regular and more lucrative employment beckoned in the 'Magic City' of Birmingham later in the decade, the family would move.

More later.....

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