Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Lost Pictures Found of 1968 Reunion, Part 1

by Glenn N. Holliman

Lost and Now Found

Last summer I published on this site, photographs I had taken with a simple Kodak Instamatic camera of the Holliman/Daly/Ferrell/Herrin/Cornelius gathering in Irondale, Alabama, July 1968.  At that writing, I thought all the pictures of that day had been recovered, but fortunately I was wrong. 

Since then, my sister, Becky Holliman Payne of Cookeville, Tennessee, has found approximately 400 slides in memorabilia boxes of our Mother, Geraldine Stansbery Holliman Feick (1923-2015).  Our sister, Alice Holliman Murphy of Trophy Club, Texas scanned them and gave me electronic copies.  My Mother also had an Instamatic camera, a simple marvel of that time when one popped in a cartridge, and the film advanced after each picture.

So here are some of the ‘lost’ pictures she and my father took from 1967 to 1976. Step back then in time and find yourself or your parents and grandparents much younger, and several of us, much thinner and with other spouses.  This was over a half century ago, a summer of much disconnect in America with an unpopular war, two political assassinations and a Southern family adjusting to the Civil Rights revolution of that time.

Left to right, Alice Holliman Murphy, age 12, Mary Daly Herrin, b. 1931, the first grandchild of Ulyss and Pearl Caine Holliman, Linda Herrin Bradley, now living in Orange Beach, Alabama, and my mother, Gerry Stansbery Holliman Feick.    

Below, Alice and Linda embrace David and Suzanne Herrin, Linda’s younger siblings. 

Above left to right, are Charles and Loudelle Ferrell.  Charles (1907-1999) was a United Methodist Church minister, a graduate of Birmingham-Southern and Yale Divinity School. Loudelle (1914-1998) was the third child of Ulyss and Pearl Caine Holliman to marry.  They had three children, Charles, Carolyn and John.

In the background are Jean Holliman and Tommie Holliman Allen, two of the six children of Euhal, far right gesturing with his hands, and Edna Westbrook Holliman (1916-1992), not pictured here.  In 1968, Euhal (1912-1989) and his family were living at 2300 3rd Avenue North in Irondale in the home of his late parents, Ulyss (1884-1965) and Pearl (1888-1955).

Finally, in a white dress in the foreground is Kathy Holliman listening to her Uncle Euhal as is her father, Ralph Holliman (1924-2017).  Ralph was a corporate executive for American Bakeries in Chicago, eventually retiring to Gulf Shores, Alabama with his wife, Motie (1924-2003), not pictured here.

Below left to right is George Hairston, Patti Holliman’s husband.  Patti (in sun glasses) is the daughter of Melton (1908-1958) and Ida Holliman (1905-1995).  Next is Susan Cornelius Williams and her sister, Carol Cornelius Morton with her husband, Carl Blomstran.  Susan and Carol are the daughters of Walter (1922-2005) and Virginia Holliman Cornelius (1922-2011), the sixth child of Ulyss and Pearl Holliman.

Look soon for another posting and more photographs of this 1968 family gathering at the home of E.C. and Mary Daly Herrin in Irondale, Alabama.