Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ulyss and Pearl Caine Holliman and their Descendants

The Seventh Child of Ulyss and Pearl Caine Holliman, 
William Ralph Holliman, Part IX
by Glenn N. Holliman

Ralph and Motie Holliman were blessed with two talented and gifted daughters.  Pam has a doctorate in religious studies and today teaches at a seminary in Chicago.  Her career track has included professional counseling and director of not-for-profits.  Below in the 1990s, Ralph, Motie and Virginia Holliman Cornelius.

Left in the middle 2000s, Ralph, Kathy, Pam and Kathy's daughter, Rachel Harbour.
To the right are Kathy, Rachel and Kathy's husband, Tim Donald.  Rachel and Tim live in Philadelphia where both are writers and publishers for medical and scientific publications.  Earlier in her career, Kathy taught school and wrote for the Bangor, Maine Daily News.  
Below, Ralph visits with Pam in her Chicago seminary office in 2010.

Motie passed away in 2003 after 60 years of marriage.  In 2007, Ralph was fortunate to meet a widow, Laura Stanley, who has brightened his life in countless ways.  

This ends our biographies of the seven children of Ulyss and Pearl Caine Holliman. In future postings, we shall dig deeper into the history and culture in which the family lived.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ulyss and Pearl Caine Holliman and their Descendants

The Seventh Child of Ulyss and Pearl Caine Holliman, 
William Ralph Holliman, Part VIII
by Glenn N. Holliman

The years slipped by for Ralph and Motie.  From a clerk at American Bakeries in Birmingham, Alabama, he climbed the corporate ladder to office manager and plant manager, regional, divisional  and finally national vice president of operations in Chicago.  At one time the company had sixty-two plants and 10,000 employees.  Those were busy years, but he never lost his Alabama roots.

Right, in 1965 at the Robert and Vena Daly home in Irondale, Alabama, five of the six surviving siblings of Ulyss and Pearl Caine Holliman gathered for a group picture. Left to right are Euhal, Vena Daly, Bishop, Loudelle Ferrell and Ralph. Notice the three men are in suits and ties.  

In 1978 Vena, Ralph, Virginia and Bishop took time to gather in Birmingham.

In 1984, Motie, Ralph, Mary Daly Herrin and Bishop Holliman met in Irondale, Alabama, Mary's home.

Below, Ralph, Gerry Holliman, Motie and Bishop Holliman, 1987.

Next, the Children of Ralph and Motie Holliman....

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ulyss and Pearl Caine Holliman and their Descendants

The Seventh Child of Ulyss and Pearl Caine Holliman, 
William Ralph Holliman, Part VII
by Glenn N. Holliman, a nephew

The affluence that Ralph’s generation was creating and enjoying was almost unimaginable to his parent’s generation.  It is startling to recall that the Ulyss Holliman home did not have an indoor bathroom or running water until 1936.  Pearl Holliman was still churning butter in her kitchen, and killing and defeathering her own chickens until her death in 1955.

The 19 grandchildren of Ulyss and Pearl were to live in the greatest economic expansion in the history of the planet and have enjoyed a standard of living far richer than any king  or baron of industry born before the 20th Century.                                       

This is one of the numerous suburban homes Pam and Kathy Holliman would know in their growing up years.  In the 1950s and 1960s millions of American acres were being converted into subdivisions, ranch style homes with air conditioning, concrete driveways, car ports, large picture windows (as above) and sans front porches (not needed if a house was air conditioned).
The expanding economy allowed middle class families to travel and visit relatives.  In this 1953 photograph taken at Lake Ponchatrain in New Orleans, Louisiana are from left to right – Becky Holliman Payne, Pam Holliman, Motie and Kathy Holliman, Bishop Holliman and a young Glenn Holliman in front.

Right, two young, up and coming executives, Bishop Holliman with the hat and his younger brother, Ralph Holliman, pose in the front lawn of their childhood home in Irondale, Alabama, Christmas 1954.  Both are formally dressed and attired as if for the office.  In the decade after World War II, men wore fedoras and business suits even when on vacation.

Next, Siblings and Children....