by Glenn N. Holliman
We have been examining the pictures that hung in the living room corner of the Ulyss and Pearl Caine Holliman in Irondale, Alabama. Below is another view of the wall at Christmas time 1945.
The picture is mislabeled 1944, but it is Christmas 1945. The picture of Virginia Holliman Cornelius is in the left corner, and Ralph Holliman next in line to the right of the tree. Blurred out by the flash bulb are Melton Holliman and Bishop Holliman. The picture displayed of Melton (1908-1958) is probably the one below. Melton's daughter, Pati Holliman Hairston, has kindly shared numerous pictures of her father with me.
Melton served in France as a medic from July 1944 until high blood pressure sent him to the hospital and eventually home in December 1944. He was discharged in the summer of 1945 after final service at an Army hospital in Jackson, Mississippi. Unfortunately his health remained precarious with a first heart attack in 1955 and a fatal one in 1958 in Mobile, Alabama, much, much too young. He had learned pharmacy from his Uncle Floyd Caine, and became a leading and admired pharmaceutical salesman and Baptist lay leader.
Christmas 1945 would have been special for the three cousins below. Pati, Melton's daughter, is far left. Mary Daly Herrin holds on to her new brother, Robert W. Daly, Jr.
One suspects most of those presents around their grandparents' Christmas Tree were for the grandchildren of which there were 11 by that winter.
Next the Sailor on the Wall...
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
My Grandmother's Wall of Photographs, Part 2
by Glenn N. Holliman
The year was 1945, and here is another view of my grandmother's Christmas tree that first holiday after the end of World War II. The three sons who went to war of Ulyss and Pearl Caine Holliman of Irondale, Alabama - Melton, Bishop and Ralph - were finally home. A son-in-law, Walter Cornelius, husband of daughter Virginia, still remained in Saipan, a B-29 base in the Pacific. In the corner wall, several difficult-to-discern photographs are hanging. In the last post, we examined the one in the upper left, Virginia Holliman Cornelius.
Now let's look at the one in the upper center, an Army soldier, the youngest son, William Ralph Holliman, born 1924.
A blurred enlargement. The original was lost in a basement flood years ago.
Ralph went off to the Army in March 1943 and would not return to see his family and new bride, Motie Chisom, for two long years. Ralph would be stationed in England and France with the Army Air Force from late 1943 until the summer of 1945.
Below is a picture taken February 1942, when Ralph, age 18, visited his older brother, Bishop Holliman, age 22, already in the Navy at sonar sound school in Key West, Florida. The war was at its worst for the United States. German U-Boats prowled the East Coast sinking freighters. After the December 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese invaded the Philippines, an American colony at that time. A U.S. and Philippine army was trapped and would be forced to surrender. The days were dark for the American war effort that first winter of the USA involvement in World War II.
The year was 1945, and here is another view of my grandmother's Christmas tree that first holiday after the end of World War II. The three sons who went to war of Ulyss and Pearl Caine Holliman of Irondale, Alabama - Melton, Bishop and Ralph - were finally home. A son-in-law, Walter Cornelius, husband of daughter Virginia, still remained in Saipan, a B-29 base in the Pacific. In the corner wall, several difficult-to-discern photographs are hanging. In the last post, we examined the one in the upper left, Virginia Holliman Cornelius.
Now let's look at the one in the upper center, an Army soldier, the youngest son, William Ralph Holliman, born 1924.
A blurred enlargement. The original was lost in a basement flood years ago.
Ralph went off to the Army in March 1943 and would not return to see his family and new bride, Motie Chisom, for two long years. Ralph would be stationed in England and France with the Army Air Force from late 1943 until the summer of 1945.
Below is a picture taken February 1942, when Ralph, age 18, visited his older brother, Bishop Holliman, age 22, already in the Navy at sonar sound school in Key West, Florida. The war was at its worst for the United States. German U-Boats prowled the East Coast sinking freighters. After the December 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese invaded the Philippines, an American colony at that time. A U.S. and Philippine army was trapped and would be forced to surrender. The days were dark for the American war effort that first winter of the USA involvement in World War II.
Next, the Photograph of Melton Holliman....
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
My Grandmother's Wall of Photographs, Part 1
by Glenn N. Holliman
Is there a grandchild among us who has not stood and stared at family pictures in a grandparent's home? For a nine year old, the question must be always "Who are those old people? Did my aunts and uncles really look like that when they were young?"
Pearl Caine Holliman (1887-1955) had such a wall in her home at 2300 Third Avenue North in Irondale, Alabama. As a youngster, I marveled at the pictures and wondered who were all those people, those relatives of mine? Below are a few pictures and memories of my grandmother's wall of photographs.
On the far upper left corner, one sees a photograph of my Aunt Virginia Holliman Cornelius (1922-2011). This may have been her senior picture from Shades Cahaba High School. Today, one of her daughters, Susan Cornelius Wilson of Texas, has possession of it.
Below, embedded in the lower left corner of Virginia's photograph, notice the World War II photograph of Virginia's husband, Walter Cornelius (1922-2006). They married in February 1942, one of the three war time marriages in the Ulyss and Pearl Holliman family. This copy of Virginia and Walter was taken in February 2012 in Trophy Club, Texas.
Below Susan Cornelius Williams, one of Walter and Virginia's two daughters, displays this picture seventy years after it first hung in her grandparent's home in Alabama. These pictures were taken at Alice Holliman Murphy's home in Texas. Alice is the daughter of Bishop Holliman (b 1919) and Susan's first cousin.
Next posting, more pictures from Grandmother's wall....
Is there a grandchild among us who has not stood and stared at family pictures in a grandparent's home? For a nine year old, the question must be always "Who are those old people? Did my aunts and uncles really look like that when they were young?"
Pearl Caine Holliman (1887-1955) had such a wall in her home at 2300 Third Avenue North in Irondale, Alabama. As a youngster, I marveled at the pictures and wondered who were all those people, those relatives of mine? Below are a few pictures and memories of my grandmother's wall of photographs.

Let me start with an indoor picture, rare for the time, taken of Grandmother Holliman's Christmas tree. It stood in a corner of the living room, a massive tree to my childish eyes. This picture was taken in 1945, the year before I was born but she seemed aways to have a tall tree with electric lights that 'bubbled'. Yes, it is blurry and not the sharpest picture, but let's study it closely.
On the far upper left corner, one sees a photograph of my Aunt Virginia Holliman Cornelius (1922-2011). This may have been her senior picture from Shades Cahaba High School. Today, one of her daughters, Susan Cornelius Wilson of Texas, has possession of it.
Below, embedded in the lower left corner of Virginia's photograph, notice the World War II photograph of Virginia's husband, Walter Cornelius (1922-2006). They married in February 1942, one of the three war time marriages in the Ulyss and Pearl Holliman family. This copy of Virginia and Walter was taken in February 2012 in Trophy Club, Texas.
Next posting, more pictures from Grandmother's wall....
Alice Murphy,
Pearl Caine Holliman,
Susan Cornelius Williams,
Ulyss Holliman,
Virginia Cornelius,
Walter Cornelius
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Memories of Irondale, 1925 to 1942, Part XI by H. Bishop Holliman
This is the eleventh and last in a series of reflections on an earlier Irondale, Alabama by my father, Bishop Holliman, born 1919. - Glenn N. Holliman
Not the snow of 1940, but above the snow of 1936 on 3rd Avenue, Irondale. Top left to right are The Rev. Stewart Butten, James Pugh, Bishop Holliman. Front row are Bobby Coker, Harold Pugh and Billy Bunt.
" I
have forgotten how long it stayed at that mark.
Remember, at this time we had no central heat, drinking, cooking,
bathing and flushing. Even if they
became unthawed, they would refreeze the next night. Each night young folks would gather at the
top of the hill above our house, build a fire out of limbs, old tires, etc. and
we built sleds out of scrap lumber that somebody furnished and we slide the two
blocks downhill. That went on several
Ralph Holliman (b 1924), right, as a Shade Cahaba High School student ca 1941. Ralph had a highly successful career as a corporate executive in Chicago before retiring back to Alabama.
Robert Daly, Sr. was on the scene, having been there just to observe the goings on, rushed Ralph to Dr. Odum’s house on the other side of the town. The doctor patched him and sent him on his way. Probably did not charge more than $2 and did not say come back tomorrow. That experience put an end to our sledding."
" The snow and ice eventually melted, but the blizzard of 1940 stayed with us a long time. That winter as so bad Life magazine ran a cover page in February of the Southern passenger train, The Tennessean, pulling into Washington, D.C., covered with snow and ice, also carrying a story about the frigid winter down south.”
Bishop Holliman, 90, returned to Irondale in November 2010 with his 64 year old son, Glenn N. Holliman, to tour the home of his childhood. Bishop named his only son after the Irondale educator, Glenn Barrow, who died during World War II.
Next Post, the Grand Photographic Collage of Grand Mother Holliman (Pearl Caine Holliman)....
This is the eleventh and last in a series of reflections on an earlier Irondale, Alabama by my father, Bishop Holliman, born 1919. - Glenn N. Holliman
"The Blizzard of 1940…It was January or
thereabouts that snow began to fall, and before it had ended, 14 inches lay on
the ground, a very rare occurrence for our part of the South. It began about midnight and at daylight the
radio had already come on with the news that schools would not open, nor would
the colleges nor would hardly anything else.
I don’t remember what Daddy (Ulyss S. Holliman, 1884 - 1965) did about going to work. Street cars on some lines had run all night
to keep tracks clear. I can’t remember the day of the week it was that all this
happened. The hill (the north side of Irondale) was frozen over and I
guess nearly impossible for cars to get up it.
For two weeks the temperature hardly got above freezing, and it dropped
to 10 degrees below on the second day."
Not the snow of 1940, but above the snow of 1936 on 3rd Avenue, Irondale. Top left to right are The Rev. Stewart Butten, James Pugh, Bishop Holliman. Front row are Bobby Coker, Harold Pugh and Billy Bunt.
It was probably the last night
of this merriment that the accident happened.
A car parked at the bottom of the hill had not pulled all the way into
its driveway, leaving part of it in the road, and a sure target for an unguided
Ralph Holliman (b 1924), right, as a Shade Cahaba High School student ca 1941. Ralph had a highly successful career as a corporate executive in Chicago before retiring back to Alabama.
"My brother Ralph was at the front of the sled, followed by Margaret Overton, Jo Helen Leath and myself. You could not steer the sled. It went wherever the ice allowed it to go, and it went right into the back of the parked car! Ralph, who was at the front bore the brunt of the collision, bringing a gash to his head.
Note Ralph Holliman believes the accident was in the great snow of 1936, not 1940. The two brothers have different memories of the date!
Billy Bunt,
Bishop Holliman,
Bobby Coker,
Dr. Odum,
Glenn Holliman,
Harold Pugh,
James Pugh,
Jo Helen Leath,
Margaret Overton,
Ralph Holliman,
Robert Daly,
Stewart Butten
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Memories of Irondale, 1925 to 1942, Part X by H. Bishop Holliman
This is the tenth in a series of reflections on an earlier Irondale, Alabama by my father, Bishop Holliman, born 1919. - Glenn N. Holliman
revival that stands out in my mind was the one in 1936 at the Methodist Church (then located at 2009 South 2nd Avenue)
conducted by Fred Brown from Bob Jones College.
For two weeks the church was filled each night to hear the Word preached
by this dynamic preacher. Even folks
from the other two churches came to hear him.
At the end of the revival put on a watermelon-picnic feast down at the artesian
wells where East Side Mall as later built.
I have many good memories of church activity up to the time I left in
Below an outing in
Irondale in the late 1930s. Either
church or Shades Cahaba friends (probably both). Virginia Holliman Cornelius is
3rd from left and Bishop Holliman on far right.
We young people were led by such folks as the Hamiltons,
Sherets, Overtons, Grissoms, Glenn Barrow and many others. Most of our social life originated in the
church – at Christmas, Halloween, summer outings at Grant’s Mill, where you
could go swimming for 20 cents, and cook-outs in the fall at the beacon light on
Gate City Mountain.
We also participated in putting on plays at the school, sponsored by the church in support of some project. One time we bought a pulpit bible with money we raised. Some participants I remember now were: Clementine Sherbet, Mary Virginia Hamilton, Frances McNutt, Jo Helen Leath, Charles Pugh and Louis Overton.
Above Bishop Holliman poses with his sister Virginia Holliman Cornelius (1922 – 2011) at a Birmingham, Alabama reunion in 1985 almost 50 years after the photo by the automobile.
Next Post, more memories and more people of Irondale, Alabama....
This is the tenth in a series of reflections on an earlier Irondale, Alabama by my father, Bishop Holliman, born 1919. - Glenn N. Holliman
Churches…There were three
churches in Irondale as far back as I could remember: the Methodist, Baptist
and Presbyterian. At Christmas each one
staged a Christmas pageant the Sunday night before Christmas. Every summer the Baptist and Methodist
Churches held a revival, and that meant for two weeks we had somewhere to go on
the warm summer evenings before there were radios, television and air
We also participated in putting on plays at the school, sponsored by the church in support of some project. One time we bought a pulpit bible with money we raised. Some participants I remember now were: Clementine Sherbet, Mary Virginia Hamilton, Frances McNutt, Jo Helen Leath, Charles Pugh and Louis Overton.
Above Bishop Holliman poses with his sister Virginia Holliman Cornelius (1922 – 2011) at a Birmingham, Alabama reunion in 1985 almost 50 years after the photo by the automobile.
Charles Pugh,
Clementine Sherbet,
Frances McNutt,
Glenn Barrow,
Jo Helen Leath,
Louis Overton,
Mary Virginia Hamilton,
Virginia Holliman Cornelius
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Memories of Irondale, 1925 to 1942, Part IX by H. Bishop Holliman
This is the ninth in a series of reflections on an earlier Irondale, Alabama by my father, Bishop Holliman, born 1919. - Glenn N. Holliman
"Beginning in 1937, I was attending Birmingham Southern College, working in the library on a National Youth Administration job, another creation of the New Deal. However, we were still Republican! In 1938, the local GOP sponsored an oratorical contest for “Young Republicans”, and I represented Alabama in the finals in Knoxville, Tennessee and won second prize - $100 – a huge sum – enough to pay a semester at college.
Baseball…During the 1930s amateur baseball was very popular throughout Jefferson County and
most of the small towns fielded a team.
The baseball diamond in Irondale lay between the Seaboard and Southern
tracks, along First Avenue South. It was
a Saturday ritual to attend the games that Irondale The
whites shared the diamond with blacks.
The blacks seldom attended the white games but I often went to see the
blacks play.
of the players I remember were Hubert Kilgore, Jack Godwin, Jesse Smoke, the
two Wilson boys, Alfred McNutt and Click McDanal.
All of these fellows were the age of Loudelle Holliman Ferrell (a sister) and Euhal Holliman (a brother). Baseball was a big part of our lives during the 1930s. The Birmingham Baron games were broadcast over the radio by Bull Connor, and never missed a game if I could help it. I still remember Melton Holliman (the oldest brother) taking me to my first game at Rickwood field July 5, 1931!"
All of these fellows were the age of Loudelle Holliman Ferrell (a sister) and Euhal Holliman (a brother). Baseball was a big part of our lives during the 1930s. The Birmingham Baron games were broadcast over the radio by Bull Connor, and never missed a game if I could help it. I still remember Melton Holliman (the oldest brother) taking me to my first game at Rickwood field July 5, 1931!"
Baseball was not the only
recreation for a large family. In the
middle 1920s before middle class vacations, a summer treat was to take the
family to Grant’s Mill on the east side of Irondale. Here Ulyss Holliman supervises his children
in the water, Bishop Holliman front, Euhal Holliman, Loudelle Holliman Ferrell and Vena
Holliman Daly, behind the boat.
Next Post, more Memories of Irondale, Alabama in the early 20th Century....
Alfred McNutt,
Bull Connor,
Click McDanal,
Euhal Holliman,
Hubert Kilgore,
Jack Godwin,
Jesse Smoke,
Loudelle Holliman Ferrell,
Melton Holliman,
Vena Daly
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Memories of Irondale, 1925 to 1942, Part VIII by H. Bishop Holliman
This is the eight in a series of reflections on an earlier Irondale, Alabama by my father, Bishop Holliman, born 1919. - Glenn N. Holliman

Right, in 1924, Pearl Caine Holliman, age 37, holds her 7th and last child, Ralph Holliman, in her arms at the foot of the tall front stairs of her new home she shared with her husband, Ulyss S. Holliman, and family at 2300 3rd Avenue North. At the top of the stairs is her 6thchild, Virginia Holliman Cornelius.
Below in 2010, Bishop Holliman viewed the steps, now all brick, leading to the front porch and his memories of his beloved ‘Mama’. After his mother died in 1955, his father, Ulyss S. Holliman, sold the home to another son, Euhal Holliman. After Euhal's wife, Edna, died in 1992, the house was sold out of the Holliman family.

As noted, Euhal purchased the next door Ulyss Holliman house in 1956. Jean would live with her parents in the Holliman house until her mother's death in 1992 when the house was sold.
Next post, more on living in Irondale, Alabama in the 1930s and 1940s....
This is the eight in a series of reflections on an earlier Irondale, Alabama by my father, Bishop Holliman, born 1919. - Glenn N. Holliman

Right, in 1924, Pearl Caine Holliman, age 37, holds her 7th and last child, Ralph Holliman, in her arms at the foot of the tall front stairs of her new home she shared with her husband, Ulyss S. Holliman, and family at 2300 3rd Avenue North. At the top of the stairs is her 6thchild, Virginia Holliman Cornelius.
"Each summer Mama would can fruits and vegetables, maybe over 100 jars, as did most housewives. I should note that my sister Vena had married in 1928 and was living next door in the brick house (visible as the white house on the extreme right in the above photo).
Her husband, Robert Daly, was manager of the Woodlawn bank and had a good job throughout the Depression. They were able to take vacations to the beach each summer, a treat denied to most folks in those years."
Below, Ulyss Holliman and his grand daughter, Mary Daly Herrin, who lived next door to her Holliman grandparents from 1932 until 1946. Mary still lives in Irondale with her husband E.C. Herrin whom she married in 1951. Behind the two is the chicken house, typical in the 1940's in small southern towns of families only one generation removed from farming.
Ulyss is listed in the 1910 U.S. Census as a farmer in Fayette, Alabama. After moving to Irondale in 1917, he is recorded in the 1920 Census as a carpenter (for the Birmingham, Alabama Electric Company working on street cars).
Her husband, Robert Daly, was manager of the Woodlawn bank and had a good job throughout the Depression. They were able to take vacations to the beach each summer, a treat denied to most folks in those years."
Below, Ulyss Holliman and his grand daughter, Mary Daly Herrin, who lived next door to her Holliman grandparents from 1932 until 1946. Mary still lives in Irondale with her husband E.C. Herrin whom she married in 1951. Behind the two is the chicken house, typical in the 1940's in small southern towns of families only one generation removed from farming.
Ulyss is listed in the 1910 U.S. Census as a farmer in Fayette, Alabama. After moving to Irondale in 1917, he is recorded in the 1920 Census as a carpenter (for the Birmingham, Alabama Electric Company working on street cars).

Right, Euhal and Edna Holliman in 1944 hold their fourth child, Jean Holliman, standing in front of the Robert and Vena Holliman Daly house on 3rd Avenue in Irondale.
As noted, Euhal purchased the next door Ulyss Holliman house in 1956. Jean would live with her parents in the Holliman house until her mother's death in 1992 when the house was sold.
Next post, more on living in Irondale, Alabama in the 1930s and 1940s....
Bishop Holliman,
E.C. Herrin,
Edna Holliman,
Euhal Holliman,
Jean Holliman,
Mary Daly Herrin,
Pearl Caine Holliman,
Robert Daly,
Ulyss Holliman,
Vena Daly
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Memories of Irondale, 1925 to 1942, Part VII by H. Bishop Holliman
This is the seventh in a series of reflections on an earlier Irondale, Alabama by my father, Bishop Holliman, born 1919. - Glenn N. Holliman
The Great Depression…"I was too young to remember the beginning of the Depression and the havoc it wrought to so many. In my young mind, times had always been hard and some people had always been without work. Daddy (Ulyss Holliman) was off from the job just six weeks in the summer of 1933. Many folks we knew were out of work.
It was not uncommon for men to come to the house asking for food and/or other forms of help. Some children went to school bare footed. Loudelle (Holliman Ferrell) and Euhal (Holliman) were still at home. Melton (Holliman) had married in 1932, but he had been living away from home before his marriage and had worked full time. Like us, many folks in Irondale kept chickens or a cow and put in big gardens and managed to get by."
During World War II, Pearl Caine Holliman wrote her son, Bishop Holliman, who was in the U.S. Navy, promising to save a Sunday chicken for the day he would return home from the war. As with gardens, many in Irondale raised their own chickens. For several years in the late 1930s, the Ulyss Hollimans even had a milk cow.
"The WPA (Works Progress Administration) and other New Deal projects soon provided menial jobs for the unemployed. In 1936 the sewer systems were installed, and we began to enjoy
indoor plumbing. An early New Deal project was the building of sidewalks through most of the town. Though not a New Deal project (as far as I know) the streets were paved during World War II, and I think Frank Williams was mayor at the time.
More of Memories of Irondale, Alabama in next post....
This is the seventh in a series of reflections on an earlier Irondale, Alabama by my father, Bishop Holliman, born 1919. - Glenn N. Holliman
The Great Depression…"I was too young to remember the beginning of the Depression and the havoc it wrought to so many. In my young mind, times had always been hard and some people had always been without work. Daddy (Ulyss Holliman) was off from the job just six weeks in the summer of 1933. Many folks we knew were out of work.
It was not uncommon for men to come to the house asking for food and/or other forms of help. Some children went to school bare footed. Loudelle (Holliman Ferrell) and Euhal (Holliman) were still at home. Melton (Holliman) had married in 1932, but he had been living away from home before his marriage and had worked full time. Like us, many folks in Irondale kept chickens or a cow and put in big gardens and managed to get by."
Ulyss S. Holliman of 2300 3rd Avenue, North in Irondale poses in the middle 1920s in his large garden. A native of Fayette, Alabama, Ulyss moved his growing family to this suburb of Birmingham during World War I to take advantage of employment opportunities. During the 1910s, the population of Irondale almost doubled as more and more lots were sold on the hill side overlooking the railroad yard.

"The WPA (Works Progress Administration) and other New Deal projects soon provided menial jobs for the unemployed. In 1936 the sewer systems were installed, and we began to enjoy
indoor plumbing. An early New Deal project was the building of sidewalks through most of the town. Though not a New Deal project (as far as I know) the streets were paved during World War II, and I think Frank Williams was mayor at the time.
I have already alluded to the hobos who rode the freight trains during these years----In my mind, hobos had always ridden them. Central heating had not come into vogue so it was still my job each day to bring in coal and kindling for Daddy to start a fire each morning. We had a heater in the middle bed room and later, one in the living room. After the War, they managed to get central gas heat."
Population statistics reveal the calamity of the Depression. In 1920, by which time the Hollimans had moved to Irondale and were about to construct a home at 2300 N. 3rd Street, the population was 809. As the Montgomery subdivision kept growing, the number of people living in the town almost doubled in ten years to 1,517 in 1930. Irondale must have felt like a thriving and booming place in the "Roaring Twenties".
During the Depression, growth stopped and the population even dropped to 1,486 in 1940. By 1970, the population reached 3,166 but in the four decades since, the numbers living in Irondale have quadrupled to 12,349 in 2012. Source Historical Populations, Wikipedia, Irondale, AlabamaTuesday, September 11, 2012
Memories of Irondale, 1925 to 1942, Part VI by H. Bishop Holliman
This is the sixth in a series of reflections on an earlier Irondale, Alabama by my father, Bishop Holliman, born 1919. - Glenn N. Holliman
Below a page from the 1940 The Owl, the yearbook of Shades Cahaba High School. Far left is Bishop Holliman's sister, Virginia. On the back row, standing behind and right of the student typing, is Walter Cornelius (wearing the tie). Virginia and Walter would marry in 1942. Virginia's brother, Ralph Holliman, was on the staff also. He may be in the photo back row, 2nd from right, next to Walter, his future brother-in-law.
Irondale students were well-behaved at Shades Cahaba, not entirely due to family upbringing, but also to the strict teachers at Irondale. At the end of the school year in 1933 I was double promoted to the 9th grade, which was the senior year of Junior High.
There were five of us: Clementine Shurbert, George Sorrell, J.H. Ratliff, Oscar Lee Hurt and myself. I am the only one of that circle still living. Our teachers in junior high were Mr. Millsap who taught 9th grade algebra, Miss Margaret Hanes, math and science and Mrs. Joe McClendon English and civics. "
Built in 1920 and renewed several times, Shades Cahaba is now a Homewood, Alabama elementary school. Note the concrete owl on top of the building.
"In retrospect, I think skipping the 8th grade was one of the worst things that could have happened to me. Why? Well, it simply took a year out of my life and it put me in high school and college a year younger than my peers. I don’t think I every caught up, as I always felt insecure when with classmates who were a year older. And also I did not get a good foundation in math by being introduced to 9th grade algebra minus 8th grade math.
Even Mrs. Mac (as we were allowed to call her) lost her dignity and laughed along with us. At that age, now soon becoming 15 I was very conscious of how my hair looked, and to make sure it was combed neatly I put a lot of hair oil on it every day. At graduation in May each member of the class was given a gift of dubious value accompanied by some sort of explanation. For me, the gift was a small can of pure lard with the accompanying verse: “To keep your hair down, we know it is hard, so we give to you this compound lard!”
Glenn Barrow was made principal and remained in that position until death in the Army in 1943. Photo below.
This is the sixth in a series of reflections on an earlier Irondale, Alabama by my father, Bishop Holliman, born 1919. - Glenn N. Holliman
Above, Bishop Holliman rode a bus similar to this one from Irondale to Shades Cahaba School in Homewood leaving at 7:30 am every school morning for a 30 minute, non-stop ride. Photo from the Shades Valley Alumni web site.
"Schools…Irondale schools were
among the best in Alabama. I remember all
my teachers and events that occurred in each grade. Mr. Houk was principal when I entered in
1927. Later, George S. Millsap was made
principal. He was a good teacher but
very, very strict, as were all of the teachers. Irondale students competed very well at Shades Cahaba with students from
other schools and from families more prosperous than Irondale families. "
Below a page from the 1940 The Owl, the yearbook of Shades Cahaba High School. Far left is Bishop Holliman's sister, Virginia. On the back row, standing behind and right of the student typing, is Walter Cornelius (wearing the tie). Virginia and Walter would marry in 1942. Virginia's brother, Ralph Holliman, was on the staff also. He may be in the photo back row, 2nd from right, next to Walter, his future brother-in-law.
"In 1937, the year of my graduation, I was
editor-in-chief of the annual and my closest friend, Charles Pugh, who lived a
few doors from us on the hill, was president of the senior class and
valedictorian. Some other names that
come to mind after all these years are Cecil Giddens, Jean LaFurgy, the two
Gaylor boys, the Hurtt girls, Sadie Mae Burgess and Corely Odum.
Irondale students were well-behaved at Shades Cahaba, not entirely due to family upbringing, but also to the strict teachers at Irondale. At the end of the school year in 1933 I was double promoted to the 9th grade, which was the senior year of Junior High.
There were five of us: Clementine Shurbert, George Sorrell, J.H. Ratliff, Oscar Lee Hurt and myself. I am the only one of that circle still living. Our teachers in junior high were Mr. Millsap who taught 9th grade algebra, Miss Margaret Hanes, math and science and Mrs. Joe McClendon English and civics. "
Built in 1920 and renewed several times, Shades Cahaba is now a Homewood, Alabama elementary school. Note the concrete owl on top of the building.
"In retrospect, I think skipping the 8th grade was one of the worst things that could have happened to me. Why? Well, it simply took a year out of my life and it put me in high school and college a year younger than my peers. I don’t think I every caught up, as I always felt insecure when with classmates who were a year older. And also I did not get a good foundation in math by being introduced to 9th grade algebra minus 8th grade math.
9th grade civics each Friday we read and discussed the Weekly
Reader, a compilation of current events.
On this particular Friday one student, Clyde Godwin, was reading from
the paper an item about President Roosevelt’s visit somewhere. He meant to read, “The President wore a
flower in his button hole.” Instead he
read, “The President wore a flower in his bottom hole.” Well, the class exploded!
Even Mrs. Mac (as we were allowed to call her) lost her dignity and laughed along with us. At that age, now soon becoming 15 I was very conscious of how my hair looked, and to make sure it was combed neatly I put a lot of hair oil on it every day. At graduation in May each member of the class was given a gift of dubious value accompanied by some sort of explanation. For me, the gift was a small can of pure lard with the accompanying verse: “To keep your hair down, we know it is hard, so we give to you this compound lard!”
sad thing happened soon after school opened again in September, principal Mr. Millsap,
who was only 31 years old, one morning before 8 o’clock wrapped a towel around
his head, put a gun up to it and pulled the trigger. His death was a big blow to all of us and was
not easy for his current students and the most recent graduating class to get
Glenn Barrow was made principal and remained in that position until death in the Army in 1943. Photo below.

Above, Glenn Barrow died in 1943, much too young. He had a deep influence as a principal and teacher. Bishop Holliman in 1946 would name his only son after him.
Next posting, more memories of pre-war Irondale, Alabama....
Bishop Holliman,
George S. Millsap,
Glenn Barrow,
Virginia Holliman Cornelius,
Walter Cornelius
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Memories of Irondale, 1925 to 1942, Part V
by H. Bishop Holliman
This is the fifth in a series of reflections on an earlier Irondale, Alabama by my father, Bishop Holliman, born 1919. - Glenn N. Holliman
Bishop Holliman surveys 1st Avenue of Irondale, Alabama in November 2010. The café and buildings are still present but with different names and automobiles from the days of his childhood. The Model A Fords are gone. His brother-in-law’s Daly Hardware Store closed in 1960.
Below in 1976 Alvin W. Hudson and Harold E. Cox published a history of street cars in Birmingham, Alabama. In this work they stated that the rail line service extended in April 1913 to 'the newly developed town of Irondale'. In 1927, the cars ceased running and as Bishop Holliman notes, buses replaced them.
"Riders were given a free transfer from the bus to street cars in Woodlawn for completion of our ride into downtown Birmingham. In Woodlawn we transferred to No. 27 or No. 2 that would take us into town and/or Ensley or West End, all for seven cents!
Below, from the work 'Street Railways of Birmingham', is the route from Birmingham to Irondale. Although undergoing development as a work class suburb in the 1910s and 20s, Irondale as a settlement predates the much larger Birmingham.
"We transferred to the First Avenue car going to East Lake where there
was an amusement park with a merry-go-round, and several other rides. I think we went two summers. I guess it was the Depression beginning in
1929 that brought an end to that entertainment.
The street car was a big part of my life until I left in 1941 for the War. I rode it nearly every day to Birmingham
Southern College and any time I went to town."
The last street car to run in Birmingham was April 18, 1953 and an era ended.
This is the fifth in a series of reflections on an earlier Irondale, Alabama by my father, Bishop Holliman, born 1919. - Glenn N. Holliman
Bishop Holliman surveys 1st Avenue of Irondale, Alabama in November 2010. The café and buildings are still present but with different names and automobiles from the days of his childhood. The Model A Fords are gone. His brother-in-law’s Daly Hardware Store closed in 1960.
The Street Car…I can barely remember
riding the street car that came into Irondale on 2nd Avenue
North. It ran one block to 20th,
went down the short hill…past Ina Powell’s barber shop and Mr. Gaddis’
blacksmith shop, turned right on 1st Avenue North in front of the
grocery store, drug store and hardware store.
Then back up the slight hill on 19th Street and headed back
to town. It must have been 1927 that they replaced the street car with the bus.
The fare was seven cents."
Below in 1976 Alvin W. Hudson and Harold E. Cox published a history of street cars in Birmingham, Alabama. In this work they stated that the rail line service extended in April 1913 to 'the newly developed town of Irondale'. In 1927, the cars ceased running and as Bishop Holliman notes, buses replaced them.
"Riders were given a free transfer from the bus to street cars in Woodlawn for completion of our ride into downtown Birmingham. In Woodlawn we transferred to No. 27 or No. 2 that would take us into town and/or Ensley or West End, all for seven cents!
folks rode street cars/busses in the 1920s and up into the 1930s, and again
during World War II. Daddy (Ulyss S. Holliman) worked for
the street car company (Birmingham Electric Company). The first street car ride I remember was to East
Lake Park when I was about six years old."
Below, from the work 'Street Railways of Birmingham', is the route from Birmingham to Irondale. Although undergoing development as a work class suburb in the 1910s and 20s, Irondale as a settlement predates the much larger Birmingham.
The last street car to run in Birmingham was April 18, 1953 and an era ended.
More Irondale, Alabama memories in next post....
Bishop Holliman,
Ina Powell,
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Memories of Irondale, 1925 to 1942, Part IV
by H. Bishop Holliman
This is the fourth in a series of reflections on an earlier Irondale, Alabama by my father, Bishop Holliman, born 1919. Below he continues to remember the grocery stores in the small community. - Glenn N. Holliman
The announcement of the Daly Hardware opening is on the right. Below is Robert W. Daly, a Woodlawn, Alabama banker. From early 1930s until 1946, he and his wife, Vena Holliman Daly, lived in the 2300 block of 3rd Avenue, North in Irondale. When the war ended they built a larger home on the east side of Irondale adjacent to the current location of the United Methodist Church. The house was demolished in 1969 for a business complex.

In 1947, the building next to the Robert and George Daly Hardware Store in Irondale collapsed. Below are photos of the event.
This is the fourth in a series of reflections on an earlier Irondale, Alabama by my father, Bishop Holliman, born 1919. Below he continues to remember the grocery stores in the small community. - Glenn N. Holliman
chain stores eventually came and Mr. Davis could not compete with Hill grocery
Company nor with the A & P. J. T.
Ramsey stayed in business much longer. Another grocery opened on 1st
Avenue, I am not sure of the year, by Ed Fortenberry. We know he was in business when I went off to
war, and I don’t know how long he was there.
But Hill’s and A & P, I am sure, soon took all the business from
local merchants.
one time, though, there were two grocery stores there on First Avenue,
North. Hill’s was in the same block as
the A & P and Fortenberry’s Grocery where
the drug store, operated by Dr. Brock and the hardware store owned by Mr. T. C.
Burgess. In 1943, Mr. Burgess retired
and his store bought by Robert Daly, Sr. (my brother-in-law) and his brother,
George Daly.
The announcement of the Daly Hardware opening is on the right. Below is Robert W. Daly, a Woodlawn, Alabama banker. From early 1930s until 1946, he and his wife, Vena Holliman Daly, lived in the 2300 block of 3rd Avenue, North in Irondale. When the war ended they built a larger home on the east side of Irondale adjacent to the current location of the United Methodist Church. The house was demolished in 1969 for a business complex.

In 1947, the building next to the Robert and George Daly Hardware Store in Irondale collapsed. Below are photos of the event.
in the same block was Bess Fortenberry’s hamburger stand that gained fame as
the ‘Whistle Stop Café’. We young boys
always bought our baseball equipment each spring from the hardware store and Dr.
Brock helped us young men fill out the questionnaire we received from the draft
board in 1940 and 1941.
the chain grocery stores provided about the only job opportunities available at
that time for boys. I worked at Hill’s
on Saturdays ‘off and on’ almost to the time I left for the Navy. I was going to Birmingham-Southern at the
time and was paid $2.50 for working from seven in the morning until 10 that
night. Three cents was withheld for
Social Security!"
More memories of Bishop Holliman next posting....
Bishop Holliman,
Ed Fortenberry,
Hill's Grocery Company,
Robert Daly,
Sr. Bess Fortenberry,
T.C. Burgess,
Vena Daly
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Memories of Irondale, 1925 to 1942, Part III
by H. Bishop Holliman
"This was a small swimming hole created from the artisan well that flowed on the west side of town where 30 to 40 years later the East Side Mall was built. ‘Lokey’ was a black man who worked for Mr. Davis. He would come by the house to take grocery orders then he would deliver them later in the day or the next day. We all learned to love Lokey. He was highly regarded by our family, Grandma Lula Caine and Aunt Maud Cook’s family. He always came into the house through the back door, as was the custom of that era.
The other grocery store was J. T. Ramsey and Son, located on south side of town by the Seaboard tracks in a large brick building that was still standing the last time I looked (2010). We never did trade there. I guess because it was farther away from our house. At one time, I don’t remember the year that it opened or closed, the Jane Griffin family (Eloise, Janie, Joyce and Gerry) operated a store on the corner of 1st Avenue South and 20th Street. I remember buying a cap pistol from Mrs. Griffin when I was about eleven years old, for 25 cents!"
Bishop Holliman’s brother-in-law, above right, Charles T. Ferrell, worked at a Birmingham, Alabama A & P grocery of the late 1920s. Charles would graduate from Birmingham-Southern College and Yale Divinity School, be ordained a Methodist minister and in 1935 marry Loudelle Holliman of Irondale. Photo courtesy of Charles H. Ferrell. This store was similar to the Irondale groceries recorded above.
Next posting, more memories of an earlier Irondale, Alabama....
This is the third article of my father’s
memories of growing up in the small suburb of Birmingham, Alabama during the
1920s and 1930s, a time of economic deprivation prior to World War II. - Glenn N. Holliman
"Grocery Stores…I remember the two
stores that provided food for Irondale folks in the 1920s and early 1930s. We traded with R.H. Davis and Sons, located
on 2nd Avenue North and 19th Street. I remember stopping by the store when I was
in the first grade and buying a nickel package of juicy fruit chewing gum and
trying to chew it all before I reach home.
I did not succeed. And I never
did that again.
groceries were bought on credit and Daddy (Ulyss S. Holliman, 1884 – 1965) would pay the
bill every two weeks. Mr. Davis would give him a little sack of candy each
time, and my sister Virginia (Holliman Cornelius, 1922 – 2011), brother Ralph (Holliman, 1924) and I looked forward to
that treat. Mr. Davis had a small truck
he used to deliver groceries, and it could be used for other purposes, such as
taking us once to ‘Blue Hole’. "
Above, Bishop Holliman, born 1919, in 2010 standing by the Irondale, Alabama tracks he crossed many times in the 1920s and 1930s.
Above, Bishop Holliman, born 1919, in 2010 standing by the Irondale, Alabama tracks he crossed many times in the 1920s and 1930s.
"This was a small swimming hole created from the artisan well that flowed on the west side of town where 30 to 40 years later the East Side Mall was built. ‘Lokey’ was a black man who worked for Mr. Davis. He would come by the house to take grocery orders then he would deliver them later in the day or the next day. We all learned to love Lokey. He was highly regarded by our family, Grandma Lula Caine and Aunt Maud Cook’s family. He always came into the house through the back door, as was the custom of that era.
The other grocery store was J. T. Ramsey and Son, located on south side of town by the Seaboard tracks in a large brick building that was still standing the last time I looked (2010). We never did trade there. I guess because it was farther away from our house. At one time, I don’t remember the year that it opened or closed, the Jane Griffin family (Eloise, Janie, Joyce and Gerry) operated a store on the corner of 1st Avenue South and 20th Street. I remember buying a cap pistol from Mrs. Griffin when I was about eleven years old, for 25 cents!"
Bishop Holliman’s brother-in-law, above right, Charles T. Ferrell, worked at a Birmingham, Alabama A & P grocery of the late 1920s. Charles would graduate from Birmingham-Southern College and Yale Divinity School, be ordained a Methodist minister and in 1935 marry Loudelle Holliman of Irondale. Photo courtesy of Charles H. Ferrell. This store was similar to the Irondale groceries recorded above.
Bishop Holliman,
Charles Ferrell,
J.T. Ramsey,
Jane Griffin,
Lula Caine,
Maude Cooke,
Ralph Holliman,
Ulyss Holliman,
Virginia Holliman Cornelius
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Memories of Irondale, 1925 to 1942, Part II
"Incidentally, gates were installed in Irondale after the war to protect against on-coming trains, and thanks to efforts by my Mother, Pearl Caine Holliman, home delivery of mail was begun before the war ended, thus eliminating a daily rail crossing to the post office for all the folks on the north side of town."
Below, in 1945, to recognize the beginnings of home delivery of the Irondale mail, the Woodlawn, Alabama newspaper ran this photograph of a postman with Pearl Caine Holliman (1887-1955) and her grandson, Robert W. Daly, Jr., son of Robert W. Daly, Sr. and Vena Holliman Daly. The Dalys lived next door to the Hollimans in the 2300 block of 3rd Avenue North.
The little boy holding his grandmother's hand would earn a Ph.D. in biology, teach for decades at the University of North Alabama, Florence and become a well-known Alabama naturalist. Dr. Robert W. Daly, Jr. grew up in Irondale and graduated from Shades Valley High School.
by H. Bishop Holliman
We continue the memories of my father, Bishop Holliman, of his boyhood home in Irondale, Alabama. The suburb of Birmingham was a rail road center, and it was the Seaborne Rail
Line that took Bishop Holliman to the U.S. Navy in 1941. On December 7, 1941, only three weeks into
the Navy, he heard the news at the Norfolk Navy Base that Pearl Harbor had been
bombed. Almost four years would pass
before he could return as a civilian to his Irondale family. - Glenn N. Holliman
we got older, one of our fondest dreams was to get on one of those fast
passenger trains and ride off to some enchanted places we had heard about. Alas, it did not happen for most of us until
World War II. I left Birmingham on
Friday, November 13, 1941, on the Seaboard’s Cotton State Special for Norfolk,
Virginia to spend nearly four years in the Navy."
Below, Bishop Holliman, left, and his brother, Melton Holliman sans his U. S. Army uniform, both home on leave at their parents, Ulyss and Pearl Caine Holliman at 2300 3rd Avenue N., Irondale, Alabama. It was February 1945, a time when many Irondale men were in service.
"Incidentally, gates were installed in Irondale after the war to protect against on-coming trains, and thanks to efforts by my Mother, Pearl Caine Holliman, home delivery of mail was begun before the war ended, thus eliminating a daily rail crossing to the post office for all the folks on the north side of town."
Bishop Holliman’s mother,
Pearl Caine Holliman of Irondale, wrote this letter to Alabama Congressman Luther
Patrick in 1943, describing her efforts to mobilize public opinion. In January 1945, home
delivery mail service began Irondale and residents on the hill above the center of town were no longer required
to cross the rail road tracks to collect daily mail at the post
Below, in 1945, to recognize the beginnings of home delivery of the Irondale mail, the Woodlawn, Alabama newspaper ran this photograph of a postman with Pearl Caine Holliman (1887-1955) and her grandson, Robert W. Daly, Jr., son of Robert W. Daly, Sr. and Vena Holliman Daly. The Dalys lived next door to the Hollimans in the 2300 block of 3rd Avenue North.
The little boy holding his grandmother's hand would earn a Ph.D. in biology, teach for decades at the University of North Alabama, Florence and become a well-known Alabama naturalist. Dr. Robert W. Daly, Jr. grew up in Irondale and graduated from Shades Valley High School.
Next post, more memories of Irondale, Alabama....
Sunday, July 15, 2012
of Irondale, 1925 to 1942, Part I
by H. Bishop
In November 2010, also
91 years of age, H. Bishop Holliman (pictured below in the red sweater) who
lived his childhood and youth at 2300 3rd Avenue North, Irondale,
Alabama, returned to look once more at his home town where he grew up in the 1920s
and 1930s. These are his memories and
photographs. - Glenn N. Holliman, his son
"Trains, trains, trains…Among my earliest
memories of Irondale are the trains that went through the center of town. Four main lines that used five tracks – two
for the Alabama Great Southern that ran from Birmingham to Chattanooga on to
Washington, DC. One for the Southern
that ran from Washington, D.C. to New Orleans and one for the Central of
Georgia that connected with the other line that ran from Chicago to Miami. Finally, one for the Seaboard that came from
Washington, D.C, through to Birmingham."
Above the Norfolk Southern freight pulls
through Irondale with Bishop Holliman walking beside it in 2010.
before ‘rock and roll’, music came on the scene, Irondale already knew how to shake. It seems that a train was barreling through
every few minutes – sometimes four at a time.
On summer evenings we would try to sit on the front porch to listen on
the radio to Major Bowes or Bob Hope. But
about 8 o’clock, the Pelican on its way to New Orleans or the Robert E. Lee
from Washington and Atlanta, plus a couple of freights, would create so much
noise, we had to go inside.
day to and from school, to church on Sunday, to the post office and to the
baseball diamond, we had to cross those tracks.
There were no warning lights and no guard rails to stop us – we crossed
the tracks at our peril. You can imagine
the anxiety our parents felt every day that we went to school or to other
placers, hoping and praying we would get there and back safety.
Some did not make it. I remember three deaths that occurred. Usually an older student would lead first
graders from school across the tracks in the afternoon. About two thirty each afternoon we would hear
the toot of the Seaboard train on its way to Atlanta and we would know then
school would soon let out."
More in the next post on Irondale, Alabama from 1920s to 1940s.....
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